What is Direct Primary Care (DPC)

Direct Primary Care (DPC) is when patients directly pay their doctor, most often via subscription. When a Doctor gets paid directly by their patients, instead of an insurance company, the Doctor is solely accountable to those patients. They no longer have insurance paperwork, loop holes or restrictions. This brings medical decisions from insurance board rooms back to clinic exam rooms. Eliminating this insurance interference, allows for an enduring and trusting relationship between a patient and their primary care provider.

A DPC clinic is better because patients receive extraordinary access to their private physician, and no one is turned away for being uninsured. You get to see your doctor when you actually need them. You get longer appointments because doctors have fewer patients, less paperwork, and no insurance compliance duties. Your doctor gets to focus on practicing medicine, not on complying with insurance rules, coding and billing.

At RootMD our panel size will be limited to ~1/10th of those in the insurance-based system. This helps guarantee same or next-day appointments, hour-long visits, happier and healthier patients and doctors. By skipping insurance, we leverage the free market system. This lowers cost of care via generic prescriptions, cash prices for labs and imaging (which can actually be cheaper than going through insurance), and eliminates hidden charges and bills. So you know what things cost, up front.

Learn More

  • What is Functional Medicine?

    Functional Medicine uses advanced diagnostics and examinations to address health issues at their source. It’s not just treating disease, it’s optimizing health.

  • RootMD Memberships

    Membership ensures access to comprehensive outpatient family medical services, including health optimization, preventive visits and sick care. All for a simple monthly fee.

  • Who is Dr Lon?

    Dr Lon is a Board Certified Family Physician who broke from the insurance-based health system to start RootMD, a Direct Primary Care clinic.